
Greentech & Circular Economy

About Area

Green technology, in short greentech, is any process, product, or service that reduces negative environmental impacts through significant energy efficiency improvements, the sustainable use of resources, or environmental protection activities. Green technology includes a broad range of technology related to recycling, renewable energy, information technology, green transportation, electric motors, green chemistry, lighting, grey water, and more.


"We are a Life Company. We take care of Life every day, dealing with the environment, water and energy, which, thanks to the circular use of natural resources, are the conditions necessary for life and the quality of life." 


“Accenture is a global professional services company with leading capabilities in digital, cloud and security. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries, we offer Strategy and Consulting, Interactive, Technology and Operations services—all powered by the world’s largest network of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operations centers.”   


“We are an integrated energy company whose dedication to the energy transition translates into tangible actions aimed at achieving the total decarbonization of products and processes by 2050.”  

Gruppo CAP

“Gruppo CAP is the all-public capital company that manages the Integrated Water Service in the territory of the metropolitan city of Milan, according to the in-house providing model, ensuring the public control of the member bodies in line with the principles of transparency, responsibility and participation. In terms of size and with an invested capital in excess of one billion, Gruppo CAP is one of the most important single-utility companies in Italy, providing the integrated water service to over 2.5 million inhabitants.”

Maire Tecnimont

“Maire Tecnimont S.p.A., listed on the Milan Stock Exchange, heads an industrial group which leads the global natural resource processing industry. Its subsidiary NextChem operates in the field of green chemicals and technologies in support of the energy transition. The Maire Tecnimont Group operates in 45 countries, through 50 companies and about 9,000 people.”  


 Official Sponsor Greentech & Circular Economy

Innovation  Agenda

The increase in global population and the climate crisis put us in front of an obligatory revolution: reshape our natural resources consumption. On the one hand we've the rise of demand in energy, civil and agricultural spaces, fresh water and industry productivity and, on the other hand, the raising shortage of natural resources to support such demand. New models of development supported by a breed of new technologies are needed: energy from renewable sources, water footprint reduction, reuse of resources in a circular approach, as well as cleaning the environment from the accumulated pollution are a few of tasks that Greentech is going to tackle. New business models, based on the participation of all the stakeholders, will flourish involving the final consumer that becomes co-producer.
Several objectives have been set: some achievable in a short time and others that will require longer.

Salvatore Majorana

“When trying to innovate you never lose:
you either win or learn.“

~ Nelson Mandela, free adaptation

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